Diana prefers tough guys in leather shorts · Leather Pants of Diana, Quee & Jig 16


QueeAndJiggy OP The green-yellow-grey leather pants for big boys from the leather goods store in Offenbach have taken Jiggy's fancy. It quickly wears shiny and will become his favourite pants. What a pleasure to stretch out with it on Diana's divan! The manufacturer's label has not been cut out of these pants. Jig notes that Osterwieck is in the Russian-occupied part of Germany. At a mountain range called Harz. It is said that you can still meet real witches there. As in the past, they travel through the air on brooms. "Parbleu!" exclaims the spa director. "Another short leg dress with political flavour. From the class enemy. For you completely apolitical brats, of all people!" In the following days they explore the area. There is not much to see in the state bath. Great spirits had once acted in the residential town five kilometres away. Voltaire, Johann Gottfried Herder, also a local poet by the name of Hermann Löns. Diana shows the boys the possessions of the Counts of Brackelstein. Quee has little use for old walls. In the lovely landscape he spins self-absorbed in his leather shorts. The sightseeing includes the new swimming pool. Diana can't understand why Quee can't swim. The American crouches at the edge of the pool. Water is not his element. Quee says, "In the US army, everyone has to know how to swim. You will be thrown into the water hogtied. If you refuse to learn it ...” short leather pants, leather shorts, sixties, 1960s, snakiestory, Quee and Jiggy, Brackelstein, witches, kurze Lederhose, Ledershorts, 60er, culotte de cuir, pantalón de cuero,
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